More on our Holiday Lights programming: We will perform “Magnificat in B-flat major,” which, though attributed to his student Pergolesi (not in his own time, but from about 1910 on) was written by Francesco Durante. It is as important a piece of 18th-century Italian sacred music as Vivaldi’s “Gloria” or Pergolesi’s “Stabat Mater.”
Set in cantata form, it is masterful in use of polyphonic form as well as introducing pre-classical elements that set it apart from other works of its period. Durante wrote a five-part, as well as a four-part version; the more often used four-part version is what Solaris will present.
The Green Taylor String Quartet accompanies, as well as Dr. Susan Summerfield, playing the organ. Solaris members tenor Matt DeDiana, alto Sarah Gleich, bass Mark Madison, and soprano Linda Wheeler are the soloists.
In canonical terms, Magnificat is “the Canticle (song) of Mary,” Mary’s glorification of God in the miracle of the birth of Jesus.